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Fact Sheet

Trade Netting and Allocation

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Kyriba’s Trade Netting and Allocation solution enables finance and treasury professionals to cost-effectively manage FX exposure by automating the netting of external currency pair trades and the generation of internal trades to allocate trades to individual legal entities.

Kyriba FX Trading Platform

Kyriba’s Trade Netting and Allocation Solution Delivers:

  • Full visibility of exposures at a company and legal entity level
  • Netting of external trades into a single trade per currency pair at the company level (or any other user-defined level)
  • Distribution of trades to leading trading platforms
  • Creation of internal trades with allocation of external trade pricing to individual legal entities
  • Reduced transaction and back-office costs as a result of reduced trade volume

Minimize Trading Costs and Support Entity-level Accounting and Reporting Requirements

Kyriba provides an automated approach to managing FX that enables companies to net external trades at the top of the house and allocate external trades to one or more legal entities.

The Trade Netting and Allocation solution is the most cost-effective way to manage FX exposure. By centralizing the trading process, Kyriba can help reduce trade volume and decrease transaction costs.

Step 1:
Capture and analyze FX exposure positions to easily and more accurately generate entity-level hedge recommendations.

Step 2:
After hedges are reviewed and approved, Kyriba aggregates and nets trades at the company level to develop a single trade per currency pair.

Step 3:
Once fully netted trades are approved, treasury can send the trades to the trading platform where the netted, company-level currency pair trades are executed.