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Kyriba Cash Management AI

Kyriba cash management

Leverage Artificial Intelligence to increase cash forecasting confidence and accuracy

Kyriba Cash Management AI empowers treasurers and finance leaders to make smarter business decisions by improving cash flow forecasts with artificial intelligence. Cash Management AI organizes and leverages data so organizations can make forecasting decisions faster, easier, more accurately, and more consistently.

Automated Forecasting

Organizations can expect to increase the accuracy of their short-term forecasts due to Kyriba Cash Management AI’s artificial intelligence and confidence adjustment features:

• The module will automatically learn from the history of cash flows stored in the Kyriba platform to continuously improve inflow projections over time
• Users can adjust and optimize the cash cushion to minimize the expected cost of liquidity based on organizational risk policies

Powered by Kyriba Analytics

The Cash Management AI offers a set of clear visual cash forecasting dashboards that can be customized for your organization’s needs. Features include the following:

• Calculated cash budget and forecasted cash balance over the considered time horizon
• Predicted inflows and confirmed outflows reporting
• Data filters, e.g. country and currency, to focus the forecasting exercise

User-Selected Confidence Level

The Cash Management AI offers a simple slider control for users to make real-time forecast adjustments selecting the right confidence level based on the organization’s risk profile and policy. A backtesting report allows the treasurer to continuously control the effective accuracy of predictions.

Seamless Integration

The Cash Management AI uses predictive analytics that leverage cash data already available within the Kyriba platform. The calculation of the cash budget with a high level of confidence empowers the Treasurer to make safe business decisions on invoice payments, credit facility drawdowns and investment of cash reserves.

Liquidity Innovation

With artificial intelligence and machine learning at the heart of the solution, Kyriba Cash Management AI uses historical data stored within the Kyriba platform to make predictions. Predictive power increases as the machine learning algorithm is trained and learns from new data and information patterns.

Kyriba Cash Management AI harnesses data and modernizes forecasting technology to increase forecasting accuracy, reduce financial costs, and optimize liquidity to drive financial growth.


Cash Management AI dashboard view