Code of Business Conduct
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Vision, Values and Culture
Our vision is to be the global leader in Enterprise Liquidity Management. Client success is our passion, and we aim to foster a workplace where people feel inspired and empowered to do their best.
Core Values
The Kyriba iCare Core Values represent the sense of community and ownership among the global team. We live by our “i Care” value system to demonstrate our care and commitment to our clients and each other.
Innovation ‐ We foster innovation and entrepreneurial thinking across our team by rewarding employees for their achievements and encouraging efficiency and continual process improvement.
Client Success ‐ Our passion is to enable our clients’ success. We do this by understanding their needs and developing and managing solutions that provide them the insight to effectively drive decision making within their organizations.
Accountability ‐ We each take personal responsibility for our actions. We are committed to our own continuous improvement, and we go the extra mile to meet our clients' needs.
Respect ‐ We respect each other’s ideas, efforts, and commitments, and embrace our diverse cultures and points of view. We achieve our goals through teamwork, responsiveness, open communication, and a positive attitude.
Excellence ‐ We strive for excellence in all that we do and bring the passion and commitment to deliver on our promises. We achieve excellence through leadership, teamwork, transparency, and integrity, and we are committed to recognizing employee achievements.
As a workforce, we are innovative and empowered, and strive for excellence in all that we do. Our people are our greatest asset, and we endeavor to maintain a culture of respect, integrity, teamwork, and recognition for our hard work. You are encouraged to act and ownership in your work and to bring the passion and ideas that will better the Company.
Purpose and Scope
This Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) is a fundamental set of rules outlining our expectations for how we conduct our business with the highest integrity and ethics. Complying with our Code is a condition of employment at Kyriba. The Code applies to all personnel employed by or engaged to provide services to Kyriba, regardless of level or position, including, but not limited to, Kyriba’s employees, officers, contingent workers (including agency workers), and independent contractors. References to “we”, in the Code include each of us as employees of the Company. The Code does not cover every issue that may arise, but it sets out basic principles to guide all employees of Kyriba Corp. and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Kyriba” or the “Company”) to act ethically and with integrity.
All of our employees must conduct themselves in accordance with our Code, policies, and the law and seek to avoid even the appearance of improper behavior. This Code should also be provided to and followed by the Company’s agents and representatives. The basic principles discussed in this Code are subject to any Company policies covering the same issues.
If a law conflicts with anything in this Code, you must comply with the law. If a local custom or policy conflicts with this Code, you must comply with this Code. In those instances where Kyriba’s code is stricter than the local law, you must comply with this Code. Employees are responsible for understanding the legal and policy requirements that apply to their jobs and reporting any suspected violations of law, this Code or any Company policy. Where the law or policy is unclear ask for help by reaching out to your manager or the Legal Compliance department at [email protected]. You may also utilize Kyriba's Ethics Hotline.
Kyriba’s Ethics Hotline
Kyriba provides multiple resources for reporting allegations of misconduct, which Kyriba will review and investigate accordingly. Where necessary, Kyriba will implement disciplinary actions or other remedies. If you wish to remain anonymous or feel uncomfortable reporting a concern to your manager, Kyriba Human Resources, a member of the Legal Compliance team, or feel that your concern has not been addressed properly, you should report it via Kyriba's Ethics Hotline.
Kyriba uses an independent third party that specializes in Hotline reporting to manage the reporting via Kyriba's Ethics Hotline. The third ‐ party service provider operates the Kyriba Ethics Hotline and allows for a report to be made online or by telephone. The third party’s call specialists document reports made via the toll‐free telephone numbers and transmit the reports to the legal Compliance by emailing [email protected]. who is responsible for ensuring that all reports are appropriately addressed. The Kyriba Ethics Hotline is available globally 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via toll-free telephone numbers1. If you report a concern or violation, you are encouraged to provide accurate and complete information to permit a thorough investigation or response. Omissions or errors in the initial data reported (who/what/when/where) may cause a delay in the case intake process that may ultimately delay or negatively impact the case assignment and/or investigation process. Reports made through Kyriba’s Ethics Hotline can be made anonymously.
You should only report concerns or suspected violations if you are doing so in good faith. Abuse of the Kyriba Ethics Hotline or another reporting process to intentionally harass someone or to knowingly file false information will not be tolerated.
Reporting a Concern and Obtaining Guidance
We each have an individual responsibility to live up to the highest ethical standards of business conduct. To continue to meet this high standard, Kyriba needs to understand whether problems exist with our personnel, business, or operations so that we can resolve issues promptly, take corrective action, and make necessary improvements.
As a Kyriba employee, you are expected to promptly report any misconduct that you believe in good faith may be a potential or actual violation of this Code, an ethical breach, or any other activities indicating a lack of compliance with Kyriba’s legal or ethical obligations. Reports can be made through Kyriba's Ethics Hotline.
1 Global Hotline access numbers are attached as an appendix to this Code. Due to local privacy laws in certain countries and the European Union region, you may only report specific types of incidents, such as accounting, financial, auditing and bribery matters. In those countries, contact your Human Resources manager to report other issues.
Employees may also talk to supervisors, managers, Human Resources, Legal, Compliance, or other appropriate personnel for questions or concerns regarding this Code or Company Policies. Employees are also required and to cooperate in internal investigations of misconduct.
Kyriba strictly prohibits retaliation against any employee for reporting or inquiring in good faith about what may be a wrongful or unlawful activity, or for participating in the investigation of a suspected violation. An employee who retaliates against any person who has reported a violation or alleged violation in good faith may be subject to discipline, including termination of employment. If you believe that you are facing retaliation you should report it using Kyriba’s Ethics Hotline or by notifying the Legal Compliance at [email protected].
Managers and Supervisors Responsibilities
Kyriba managers and supervisors have a special duty to foster a culture of integrity and compliance and are expected to exemplify the highest standards of ethical business conduct. No business concern or opportunity should come before following this Code and showing respect to each other, clients, third parties and the community. Manager and Supervisor responsibilities and obligations include but are not limited to the following:
- Serve as role models for integrity and compliance in all of their interactions.
- Assist their direct reports in understanding this Code, applicable laws and Company policies.
- Cultivate an environment where employees feel comfortable raising questions and concerns without fear of retaliation.
- When ethical questions or concerns are raised to them, take appropriate action in a professional and timely manner and report matters to the Legal Compliance Department at [email protected].
- Never punish those who raise, or report concerns in good faith.
“Kyriba is committed to being a world-class company that enjoys the trust and confidence of hundreds of entities and individuals around the globe.”
Managers and supervisors should also focus on building a culture of integrity and compliance through their hiring and promotion decisions. Ethical character and behavior should be a key consideration in hiring and promotion decisions. Promotions are a privilege that are only extended to those who exemplify Kyriba behaviors and values in a manner consistent with this Code.
When issues or concerns are reported, the Company determines when an investigation is appropriate. All complaints, whether or not reported anonymously, will be handled in a confidential manner, with disclosure
limited to conduct a full investigation of the alleged violation, to carry out appropriate disciplinary or corrective actions, or to meet legal requirements. Employees are responsible for cooperating fully with all investigations and providing truthful information. Whether you identify yourself or choose to remain anonymous, each inquiry is treated in a confidential manner, and a closed‐loop process ensures the appropriate managers, and the complainant are informed of the outcome of the investigation process to the extent possible. Reporting suspected violations of our policies, this Code or other processes benefits the Company and elevates the expected behavior of all employees.
The Code at a Glance
- Innovation: We foster innovation and entrepreneurial thinking across our team by rewarding employees for their achievements and encouraging efficiency and continual process improvement. (*Information Security Policies)
- Protect and properly use all company assets
- Adhere to Kyriba Security Policies and Practices
- Maintain business records in accordance with creation and retention policies
- Client Success through Satisfying Customers: Our passion is to enable our clients’ success. We do this by understanding their needs, and developing and managing solutions that provide them the insight to effectively drive decision making within their organizations.
- Conduct sales and marketing activities with honesty and integrity
- Avoid conflicts of interest (*Conflicts of Interest Policy)
- Avoid taking corporate opportunities for personal gain
- Maintain confidentiality
- Accountability: We each take personal responsibility for our actions. We are committed to our own continuous improvement and we go the extra mile to meet our clients’ needs. (*Anti-bribery and Corruption and Sanctions Export Policies)
- Abide by anti-bribery and corruption and anti-money laundering laws.
- Observe Trade Sanctions and Export Laws
- Respect gift and entertainment restrictions, including special restrictions relative to government customers (*Gift and Entertainment Policy)
- Compete fairly
- Abide by Company’s guidelines regarding political contributions
- Promote responsible community and charitable activities
- Respect: We respect each other’s ideas, efforts and commitments and embrace diverse cultures and points of view. We achieve our goals through teamwork, responsiveness, open communication and a positive attitude. (*Human Resources Employee Handbook)
- Welcome diversity and prevent harassment and bullying
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace
Respect human rights and comply with laws on preventing slavery and human trafficking
* Associated Policies are noted in parenthesis, if applicable
- Excellence: We strive for excellence in all that we do and bring the passion and commitment to deliver on our promises. We achieve excellence through leadership, teamwork, transparency and integrity, and we are committed to recognizing employee achievements.
- Abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations
- Avoid improper influence on conduct of auditors
- Adhere to financial integrity and reporting
i Care Value System
Innovation: Requiring Premium Return on Assets
Protection and Proper Use of Company Assets
- We protect the Company’s assets and ensure their efficient use. Theft, carelessness, and waste have a direct impact on the Company’s profitability. All Company assets are to be used for legitimate Company purposes. Any suspected incident of fraud or theft should be immediately reported for investigation. Company assets should not be used for non‐Company business.
The obligation to protect the Company’s assets includes the Company’s proprietary information, including but not limited to, intellectual property such as trade secrets, patents, trademarks, and copyrights, as well as business, marketing and service plans, engineering and manufacturing ideas, designs, databases, records, salary information and any unpublished financial data and reports. Unauthorized use or distribution of this information is a violation of Company policy. Please also refer to your confidentiality and invention assignment or proprietary information invention agreement (PIIA) entered into with the Company for more information on your confidentiality obligations.
Security Policies and Practices
- Kyriba maintains security policies designed to protect our confidential information, as well as Kyriba’s systems and resources, which are available on the Information Security tab on the Company's Insider website. Individual lines of business and organizations may have additional security practices in place to govern their operations. You are required to report any unauthorized access to or use of Kyriba’s networks, systems, or confidential information to Kyriba’s Global Information Security team.
Your obligation to protect Kyriba confidential information and personal information continues after you leave Kyriba. Similarly, we expect you to abide by your obligations to protect the confidential information of your former employers.
Record‐Keeping and Retention
We record and report information honestly, accurately and timely in order to make responsible business decisions. Employees and officers are expected to provide prompt and accurate answers to inquiries related to the Company’s public disclosure requirements. We should avoid exaggeration, derogatory remarks, guesswork, or inappropriate characterizations of people and companies that may be misunderstood should they become public. This applies equally to e‐mail, internal memos, and formal reports. Records should always be retained or destroyed according to the Company’s record retention policies. In accordance with those policies, in the event of litigation or governmental investigation, please consult the Chief Executive Officer or Legal department at [email protected].
Client Success through Satisfying Customers
Sales and Marketing Activities
We provide honest, accurate and complete information to our customers so that they may make informed decisions. We do not tolerate unfair or deceptive acts or practices, misrepresentation, fraud or deliberate omission of information with respect to our sales or marketing activities.
Conflicts of Interest
- A “conflict of interest” exists when there is evidence of or the appearance that an employee's personal interests interfere with or even takes precedence over the best interest, goals, and/or mission of the Company. Situations where conflicts of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interests could arise are when an employee or officer takes actions or has interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her Company work objectively and effectively or when an employee or officer, or a member of his or her family, receives improper personal benefits as a result of his or her position in the Company.
When making a business decision, it must be in the best interest of Kyriba. In some cases, we may also need to consider the interest of our customers or business partners. Conflicts of interest are prohibited as a matter of Company policy, except as approved by the Human Resources or Compliance Legal. Conflicts of interest may not always be clear‐cut, so if you have a question, consult with your supervisor and/or reference the Conflicts of Interest Policy.
Corporate Opportunities
Employees and officers are prohibited from taking for themselves opportunities that are discovered through the use of corporate property, information or position without the consent of the Board of Directors. No employee or officer may use corporate property, information, or position for personal gain. Employees and officers owe a duty to the Company to advance the Company’s interests when the opportunity to do so arises.
- We maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information entrusted to us by the Company or its customers or suppliers, except when disclosure is authorized in writing by the Chief Executive Officer or required by laws or regulations. Proprietary information includes all non‐public information that might be of use to competitors or harmful to the Company or its customers or suppliers if disclosed. It includes information that suppliers and customers have entrusted to us. The obligation to preserve proprietary information continues even after employment ends. Please also refer to your confidentiality and invention assignment or proprietary information invention agreement (PIIA) entered into with the Company for more information on your confidentiality obligations.
Accountability: Behaving Responsibly as a Corporate Citizen
Global Anti‐Corruption and Anti‐Bribery Laws
- Kyriba strictly prohibits any form of bribery, corrupt behavior or similar unethical or illegal business practices. This means that, among other things, we all must follow global anti‐corruption and anti‐bribery laws — including the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act and Sapin II law and the French Loi Sapin II Law— (regardless of where we are located). Among other things, anti‐corruption and anti‐bribery laws and Company policy prohibit you from giving or accepting any bribe to or from any person — whether or not the other party is a government official or an employee of a company with which you do business. We are prohibited by law and Kyriba policies from offering, promising, authorizing, directing, paying, making, or receiving any bribes, kickbacks, or payments of money or anything of value (directly or indirectly) to improperly obtain business or any other advantage for Kyriba or yourself. For additional guidance, consult Kyriba’s, Anti‐Corruption and Anti‐ Bribery Policy and Gifts and Entertainment Policy.
- Additionally, Kyriba prohibits all forms of money laundering, which involves disguising or channeling unlawfully obtained money, or transforming such money into legitimate funds. For additional guidance, consult Kyriba’s Anti‐Money Laundering Policy.
- If you are responsible for hiring a third party, work with Legal Compliance to ensure the appropriate due diligence is performed. Remember, we cannot retain a third party to perform actions that we are prohibited from taking ourselves. For additional guidance, consult Kyriba’s Know Your Customer and Third‐Party Due Diligence Policy.
Trade Sanctions/Export Compliance
- US trade compliance laws and regulations govern all exports and imports of commodities and technical data into and from the United States, including software media, electronic and physical distribution of software, and oral disclosure of technical data, among other things. Failure to comply with US or global trade laws may result in disciplinary action for the company, serious supply chain disruptions, loss of sale and service opportunities, monetary penalties, fines and imprisonment for individual employees and their management chain, and the potential revocation of our trade privileges. As a globally minded company, Kyriba is committed to complying with all applicable global export, import, and economic sanctions, laws, and regulations. Compliance with global trade laws and regulations protects Kyriba’s ability to conduct international business. Protecting Kyriba against such violations is the responsibility of all Company personnel, and, in particular, those who deal with Kyriba’s international business activities.
- If you have any questions regarding our policy or permissible exceptions, consult Kyriba’s Sanctions and Export Control Policy or contact the Legal Compliance Department.
Gifts, Meal, and Entertainment
- Kyriba can pay for bona fide business expenses and certain gifts for customers and third parties, but only if done without corrupt intent and according to Kyriba’s AntiCorruption and Anti‐ Bribery Policy and Gifts and Entertainment Policy. Those Policies provide specific guidelines around receiving and giving gifts or entertainment to ensure that you comply with applicable anti‐corruption and antibribery laws, including, but not limited to, the FCPA, Sapin II law, French Loi Sapin II, and UK Bribery Act.
- Government entities and state‐owned enterprises are governed by strict laws and regulations concerning the ability of their employees to accept entertainment, meals, gifts, gratuities, and other items of value from companies such as Kyriba. In dealing with government officials or other employees of these entities, it is Kyriba‘s general policy that nothing of value will be given. Limited exceptions that may apply are covered in the Anti‐Corruption and Anti‐ Bribery Compliance Policy or Gifts and Entertainment Policy and must be approved by Legal Compliance.
- You must let your manager know if you receive from any company or individual, any gift, entertainment or item of value, regardless of its value. Please reference the Gifts and Entertainment Policy and discuss with your manager or the Legal Compliance, and Regulatory any gifts or proposed gifts, which you are not certain are appropriate.
Competition and Fair Dealing
- We seek to outperform our competition fairly and honestly. We seek competitive advantages through superior performance, never through unethical or illegal business practices. We do not seek to obtain proprietary information about Kyriba competitors, and we do not seek to obtain any information about Kyriba competitors or other third parties illegally or in a way that is unethical or is a breach of any confidentiality or employment agreement. Each employee and officer should endeavor to respect the rights of and deal fairly with the Company’s customers, suppliers, competitors and employees. No employee or officer should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other illegal trade practice. We do not make formal or informal agreements with our competitors on bids, contracts or pricing, such as price fixing, bid rigging, allocation of markets or customers, or similar illegal anti‐competitive activities. For additional guidance please reference Kyriba's Antitrust and Competitive Itelligence Policy.
- We may make appropriate observations about competitors’ products and activities when basing them on publicly available information, such as public presentations and marketing documents, journal and magazine articles, advertisements, and other published information. Misappropriation of proprietary information, possessing trade secret information obtained without the owner’s consent, or inducing such disclosures by past or present employees of other companies are prohibited.
In the event that you inadvertently obtain a competitors or third party’s confidential or proprietary information without authorization, you must not disseminate the information within Kyriba and you must immediately contact Kyriba Legal at [email protected].
Political Contributions
- Except as approved in advance by the Chief Executive Officer the Company prohibits political contributions (directly or through trade associations) by the Company or its subsidiaries. This includes: (a) any contributions of Company funds or other assets for political purposes, (b) encouraging individual employees to make any such contribution; or (c) reimbursing an employee for any contribution. You can also refer to Kyriba’s Anti‐Corruption and Anti‐Bribery Compliance Policy for additional information on this topic.
- Individual employees are permitted to make personal political contributions as they see fit.
Charitable Contributions
- Kyriba supports charitable giving and individual employees are permitted to make charitable contributions. However, we are prohibited from giving anything of value (including charitable donations or sponsorship of events), directly or indirectly, to any private individual, firm, or entity as a means of improperly inducing business. We do not advocate for or against a donation based on expectations of past, current, or anticipated future business, as this is never appropriate.
We should not solicit contributions from our business partners for charitable fundraising or team member activities. We must refrain from any soliciting that may cause our business partners to feel obligated to make contributions in order to retain our business relationship.
Respect: Valuing Our Employees
Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying
- At Kyriba, we treat all people with the utmost respect and dignity. The Company values the diversity of its employees understands that it is a tremendous asset. We are firmly committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin or any other protected class. Any adverse action taken based on these categories, or any other protected class is a direct violation of this Code.
- Bullying is a pattern of behavior meant to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a person or group of people. In the workplace, bullying includes action or verbal abuse that may hurt a person emotionally or psychologically or interfere with the target's work performance. Kyriba will not tolerate bullying in any part of our business. For further information, you should consult the Human Resources Department and the applicable employee handbook.
If you become aware of or need to report any instances of noncompliance with this Code or our policies on bullying, discrimination or harassment, you have a responsibility to report it, where permitted by law, through Kyriba's Ethics Hotline or by contacting your manager, Human Resources Department, or Director, Global Ethics, Compliance, and Regulatory.
Environment, Health and Safety
- Kyriba is committed to making a positive impact through its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) program, with actions aimed to do good for our employees, customers, communities, and the planet. The Company strives to provide each employee and officer with a safe and healthy work environment. Each employee and officer have responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all employees and officers by following environmental, safety and health rules and practices and reporting accidents, injuries and unsafe equipment, practices or conditions. Violence, threatening behavior, and the use of illegal drugs or controlled substances are not permitted.
If you are uncertain about your obligations or need to report any instances of noncompliance with environmental and/or health and safety laws and regulations, you should contact, where permitted by law, Kyriba's Ethics Hotline or your manager or Human Resource Department. For more information about Kyriba’s ESG efforts, visit Kyriba's ESG Website.
Anti‐Slavery and Human Trafficking
Kyriba is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking and slavery. Kyriba will not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of our global organization, among our third parties or in our supply chain. We expect the same high standards from those parties with whom we engage, and we are committed to ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business. Kyriba employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, partners and others through whom Kyriba conducts business must avoid complicity in any practice that constitutes trafficking in persons or slavery.
Excellence: Delivering Quality and Excellence
Compliance with Applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations
As a global Company we respect and obey the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the cities, states and countries in which we operate. If you are unsure of or have a question about a particular law or regulation visit the Regulatory Compliance and Legal pages on the Insider for our Company policies or seek advice from supervisors, managers or other appropriate personnel.
Improper Influence on Conduct of Auditors
We do not directly or indirectly take any action to coerce, manipulate, mislead or fraudulently influence the Company’s independent auditors for the purpose of rendering the financial statements of the Company materially misleading. Prohibited actions include but are not limited to those actions
taken to coerce, manipulate, mislead or fraudulently influence an auditor: (1) to issue or reissue a report on the Company’s financial statements that is not warranted in the circumstances (due to material violations of generally accepted accounting principles, generally accepted auditing standards or other professional or regulatory standards); (2) not to perform audit, review or other procedures required by generally accepted auditing standards or other professional standards; (3) not to withdraw an issued report; or (4) not to communicate matters to the Company’s Audit Committee.
Financial Integrity and Reporting
- Accurate and reliable financial and business records are of critical importance in meeting Kyriba‘s financial, legal, and business obligations. All of the Company’s books, records, accounts and financial statements must be maintained in reasonable detail, recorded accurately and timely, must appropriately reflect the Company’s transactions, must be promptly disclosed in accordance with any applicable laws or regulations and must conform both to applicable legal requirements and to the Company’s policies and system of internal controls.
- If you are not sure whether a certain expense is legitimate, please consult the Company’s accounting department for policy guidelines.
Annual Acknowledgement
To help ensure compliance with this Code of Business Conduct, the Company requires that all employees and officers review this Code of Business Conduct and acknowledge their understanding and adherence in writing on an annual basis
Appendix A:
Kyriba’s Ethics Hotline Global Call-In Numbers
Direct Dial in the United States
From an outside line dial direct for your location: United States 1‐844‐869‐8671
Direct Access from France
From an outside line dial the direct access number for your location: France (France Telecom) 0‐800‐99‐0011
France (Paris Only) 0‐800‐99‐0111 France 0‐800‐99‐1011
France 0‐800‐99‐1111 France 0‐800‐99‐1211
France (Telecom Development) 0805‐701‐288 At the English prompt dial: 844‐869‐8671
Direct Access from Hong Kong
From an outside line dial the direct access number for your location: Hong Kong 800-93-0226
Hong Kong 800-96-1111
At the English prompt dial 844-869-8671
Direct Access from Japan
From an outside line dial the direct access number for your location:
Japan (NTT) 0034‐811‐001 Japan (KDDI) 00‐539‐111
Japan (Softbank Telecom) 00‐663‐5111 At the English prompt dial: 844‐869‐8671.
Direct Access from Singapore
From an outside line dial the direct access number for your location: Singapore (StarHub) 800‐001‐0001
Singapore (SingTel) 800‐011‐1111
At the English prompt dial: 844‐869‐8671.
Direct Access from United Kingdom
From an outside line dial the direct access number for your location: United Kingdom (British Telecom) 0‐800‐89‐0011
At the English prompt dial: 844‐869‐8671.