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Kyriba Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

By Kyriba

Each year, we honor Hispanic Heritage Month, an annual observance running from September 15 – October 15 to recognize and celebrate the histories, cultures, and traditions of the Hispanic and Latinx communities. While Hispanic Heritage Month began in the United States, Kyribian’s across the globe are honoring their diverse backgrounds and reflecting on how their cultures have played a role in their lives and careers.

We’re highlighting some of these diverse perspectives in our latest blog, giving voice to our Hispanic and Latinx Kyribian’s as they share stories of their unique heritages, legacies, and lived experiences from around the world.

Axel Canale

Axel Canale

VP & GM, Latin America

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To me, Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to express my pride in my rich cultural heritage, offering a platform to celebrate my identity, showcase the diverse traditions of my ancestors, and promote understanding of how Mexican nationals have contributed to the rich tapestry of Hispanic culture in the United States. It encourages me to preserve the meaningful Mexican customs and practices that are meaningful to me, and reminds me to pass these traditions down to future generations. One key aspect I appreciate about this time is the sense of community connection and unity it brings among Hispanic Americans and Latinos, giving us a chance to come together with the larger Hispanic community to strengthen bonds and share common experiences. This also helps foster a sense of belonging and validation. In essence, I think of Hispanic Heritage Month as a time of cultural exchange; celebrating and showcasing the diverse traditions, art, music, dance, and cuisine with friends and neighbors from different backgrounds.”


Elisa Panico Hernandez

Elisa Panico Hernandez

VP Product Evangelist

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Being born and raised in Mexico, I was brought up in a very traditional Mexican family whose beliefs and customs (including holidays and cuisines) were significantly based on our Mexican heritage. However, because I lived in the North Eastern part of Mexico and spent my formative years very close to the U.S. border, my parents made cross-cultural immersion a priority, always encouraging me to engage in binational environments, including bilingual schools. Now after living in America for over 20 years, I still make it a priority to integrate my Hispanic background into a lot of what I do and how I operate, both personally and professionally. It is very important to me that I continue instilling my cultural values to the next generation, including my daughter who was raised in a bilingual home all her life and who now runs a non-profit that teaches English to underprivileged Hispanic families. Being a part of a truly global company like Kyriba has strengthened my awareness of and appreciation for both my own cultural background, and the cultures of my colleagues. It helps me remember that we’re all a part of a diverse global community; heightening my cultural sensitivities and understanding that we all have our own unique backgrounds that bring both challenges and opportunities.”


Jaime Morales

Jaime Morales

Senior Sales Executive

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My mysterious cultural background as a trilingual Mexican working for an American company has shaped my career by equipping me with unique skills, perspectives, and experiences that enhance my effectiveness in a globalized business world. Working remotely for Kyriba from Mexico has honed my adaptability skills, helping me navigate different work cultures, practices, and expectations, and strengthening my ability to be flexible and resilient in the face of change. One significant way I demonstrate my culture at Kyriba is through language. Being fully trilingual in Spanish, Portuguese, and English allows me to bridge language gaps, facilitate communication, and build connections with colleagues, clients, and partners across countries, enhancing my effectiveness in a global business environment. Being able to seamlessly switch between these cultural contexts has been particularly useful in negotiation, team collaboration, and client relations. I credit my unique background for giving me a broader worldview that’s effective in problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership.”
