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Fact Sheet

Kyriba Liquidity Planning

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Modernizing Cash Forecasting and Liquidity Planning

Cash forecasting has changed post-pandemic, with new practices emerging to predict free cash flow and liquidity more accurately and at greater speed. Kyriba has responded with a completely modernized solution to confidently extend forecasting horizons and support data-driven liquidity decisions.

Reduce Reliance on Spreadsheets

Treasury teams have often turned to spreadsheets for their forecasting needs to model both simple and complex reports and scenarios. Kyriba’s Liquidity Planning module is designed to be as easy as a spreadsheet with the flexibility to model forecasting complexity.

Flexibility and Precision

Kyriba Liquidity Planning is a new cash forecasting module to help treasury and finance make more accurate decisions for days, weeks, months and years in the future. Liquidity Planning supports cash forecasting and – when combined with Liquidity Analytics – also support liquidity planning practices.

Key Features

  • Flexibility and Configurability
    Model forecasts the way you want with as many iterations as you like, including top down or bottom-up presentations to support different types of forecasting in your organization.
  • Formula-based Construction
    Include or exclude the data you want in each line item and summary total.
  • Multiple, Parallel Forecasts
    Run multiple cash forecast cycles at once, designed with different data and assumptions.
  • What-if Scenarios
    Model forecasts against various liquidity and risk scenarios.
  • Excel-like Entry
    On-demand single click editing and copy/paste directly into the forecast.
  • Submission and Review Workflow
    Collaborate with other users including notifications and comments.
  • Variance Analysis
    Combine with Cash Analytics for detailed and drill-down on forecast variances.
  • Load Data from anywhere
    Unify forecast data from ERP, spreadsheets, data lakes and other sources via API or file interface.
  • AI-Enhanced Cash Flows
    Combine with Cash Management AI or other AI apps to include data-driven forecasts as part of your cash flow planning.

Liquidity Planning Timeline Graphic.

Liquidity Analytics

The Liquidity Planning module combines with Kyriba’s Liquidity Analytics module to fully support liquidity planning practices. Liquidity Analytics surrounds the cash forecast with liquidity data from the Investments and Debt modules in Kyriba, presenting through pre-built dashboards to make your forecast actionable.

Together, the Liquidity Planning and Liquidity Analytics modules unify cash and liquidity data, so you have the data and insight to optimize liquidity decisions.
Liquidity Analytics Dashboard