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Success Story

Walker & Dunlop Reaches Peak Performance with Kyriba Visibility and Payments Factory

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“I am awed by how much my company is benefiting from Kyriba and how much we have accomplished since going live. Kyriba’s ability to automatically load our BAI files directly from the banks has saved countless hours from needing to login to banks each day for balances and transactions. We have a significant number of bank accounts and daily transactions, and the ability to apply budget codes automatically, forecast, and slice and dice the data has truly been a game-changer for treasury.”

Stephen Kincaid,
Assistant Treasurer and Vice President of Treasury, Walker & Dunlop

Walker & Dunlop has extensively leveraged the value of Kyriba as an integral part of their financial framework and vision. Their extensive use of Kyriba dashboards allows them to find critical data very quickly and action those items for better strategic decision-making.

2021 Payments Factory Project

  • 1.5 year large scale project with their loan servicing system
  • Payment formatting, approval workflows, and remittance through Kyriba
  • Day 1 of go-live, successfully processed $3 Billion in funds
“We look forward to continuing to automate and enhance our treasury processes with the help of Kyriba and their expanding technology.”